Welcome to Belmont Park!

The Belmont Park subdivision was first established in 1984, with much of the neighborhood being developed between 1984-1991. Today we enjoy an established neighborhood with large, mature trees, and well-maintained homes and yards. Belmont Park  neighbors take pride in keeping their homes and yards looking nice, helping their neighbors,  and abiding by the CC&Rs. You will find a sense of community here with  annual events, such as annual Yard Landscaping Awards, annual Neighborhood Garage Sale, annual National Night Out celebration and Christmas light contest! We strive to keep Belmont Park one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Boise and have recently updated the landscaping on our front entrance and added an HOA website.

Do you have great ideas for the neighborhood or want to get involved? We would love to hear from you and invite you to participate as a Board member of the homeowner’s association.  Email us at BPHOA.Boise@gmail.com